Mary Hooper

I am a multi-disciplinary visual artist and curator with a special interest in”place’. I work in the public realm, healthcare and the community. I specialise in spatial and immersive technologies creating installations, sound and video work, and community celebratory events.
My work has a powerful resonance for participants, an originality because it is rooted in research and my passionate interest in ‘place’ and collective memory, and finding innovative ways of engaging people.


I combine media to create stimulating and inclusive artwork, aiming to reflect issues and values affecting our quality of life and collective responsibility for our environment and each other.

My sound work can be listened to via these links-

Last Station

and - Mary Hooper soundworks

Mary has three sound installations in the event space. All 3 sound works are composed from my recordings and mixed to create different sound worlds which I hope people will pause a while and listen to with curiosity and be inspired.

Lift lobby sound is titled ‘Wæsse'

Toilet lobby sound is titled ‘Resonance’

Cave sound is titled ‘Wild Garden’


Mark Daniels


Michelle Mildenhall