Rosie Richardson

I am an artist that works primarily with water activated oil paints, and also in sculpture. The paintings that I create have an intergenerational aspect as they are closely inspired by classical paintings. Looking back to classical paintings of mythological and literary figures, I try to capture the feelings of existentialism and the desperate hold of something to believe in whilst living in a contemporary world. It recontextualizes the figures in these old paintings, and makes the viewer consider the placement and role of the figures. The same can be said for sculptures. Bringing out these figures into a physical space makes them inescapable. The statues and paintings that I take inspiration from were funded by patronage of the wealthy, and I want to reclaim these features of painting for the ordinary person. Tarot cards are an important piece of my personal symbolism, and each piece can connect to a particular idea. Tarot imagery is mysterious, but also open to the reader's own intuition, and that instinctual approach is something I aspire to recreate in my work. Taking influences from the surrealist movement, especially artists such as Leonora Carrington, I want to explore ideas such as connecting to the subconscious mind, and dreams, as well as recontextualizing personal experiences in an abstract way. I want there to be a moment of consideration and a connection of empathy with the figure and the viewer, to let the viewer contemplate their internal world.


Rose Johnson


Ruby Russell